"Jeune Femme Allant a la Fontaine (after Bouguereau)", oil on linen, 62x28 inches

"Portrait of the Artist's Wife", oil on linen, 18x15.
Grand Central Atelier is a collaborative workspace for the study and practice of figurative drawing, painting and sculpture. The studio provides rigorous training, resident artist studios, exhibitions, concerts, lectures, artistic competitions and fellowships that together advance the academic tradition.
Absolutely beautiful paintings!
Wonderful work! Something I can believe in and look up to!
Wow. Wow. Wow.
I'm really impressed.
I know the previous work of Joshua LaRock (and I already admired him), but this new pieces blow me up completely.
This boy improves evrey second!
The man can paint! I'm at Watts Atelier in San Diego and love it here, but dang!
Beautiful work, joshua!
A Modern Master *****
Nice. The second piece puts me in mind of Ingres.
A tribute to this I assume?
So beautiful.
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