Friday, November 13, 2009


Instructor: Mason Sullivan
When: Thursdays, 6:30 - 9:30pm
$600 (16 classes, January - April)

Students will first sculpt the skeleton, and study the underlying proportions of the human body. Then students will study the deep origins of the rhythmic qualities present in the body by adding successive layers of muscle to half of the sculpture. The sculpture concludes with the most superficial muscles creating the forms we are used to seeing every day. Along the way, students will complete drawings of the individual muscles and bones to solidify their knowledge.

At the end of the class, participants will have gained an expanded knowledge of anatomy in three dimensions, a notebook full of drawings and handouts for future reference, a completed ecorche sculpture, and most importantly, a system of study to fuel the student's future interest in the subject.

This class is open to the public

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